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The country’s first commercial hydrogen fuel station for big-rig trucks is up and running at the Port of Oakland, a step toward what hydrogen proponents see as a clean new future for long-haul trucking.
Business matters aside, the future is generally bright for offshore wind, leaders said at the 2024 International Partnering Forum for industry. Increasing state energy targets, however, present a stiff challenge.
The new technology, demonstrated Wednesday at the city’s international airport, verifies travelers’ identities by matching an ID to a photo taken at a TSA checkpoint. The system alerts on fraudulent or expired identification.
New automatic water meters being installed across New Orleans could finally solve one of the city's most frustrating problems: unpredictable and unreliable sewage and water bills.
Combined, the cities received nearly $1.5 million in grants through a U.S. Department of Transportation program. They will use it to maintain and plan the expansion of zero-emissions vehicles, and to enhance pedestrian safety.
A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has introduced a congressional framework, in a letter to Senate artificial intelligence working group leaders, that would establish federal oversight on extreme risks related to AI.
Whether harvesting, monitoring crop health, or connecting with customers, the needs of modern farming have already sparked a variety of agriculture technology startups in the Pittsburgh region.
With driving while intoxicated arrests rising, Minnesota is turning to tech for solutions. The state is piloting cutting-edge roadside drug testing devices with unexpected participants: people arrested for DWI.
A new report from NASCIO explores the impact that generative artificial intelligence will have on state government tech employees, as states move independently with regulation and implementation.
Like a mirage speeding across the dusty desert outside Pueblo, Colo., the first hydrogen fuel cell passenger train in the United States is getting warmed up on its test track.
A Florida homeowner was treated to a shocking surprise when a jettisoned piece of metal from the International Space Station crashed into his home in March.
As the use of automatic license plate readers grows, Government Technology reviewed public safety agencies’ audits and policies to determine progress.
Plans by SpaceX and others to boost the number of rocket launches seen streaking across San Diego County's skies have prompted the California Coastal Commission to question the environmental effects.
A coalition of Rio Grande Valley environmental and Indigenous groups is suing the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department over the agency's approval of a land swap with SpaceX in South Texas.
Science teachers in several Madison County, Ind., area districts have used resources from NASA, supplemental lesson plans, games and other methods to help their students appreciate and learn from the eclipse.