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Data on a client's participation in other programs can determine benefit levels at both the state and federal level. To smooth data exchange between the federal government and the state, Tennessee and the Social Security Administration struck an agreement to tap into each other's databases.
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A Texas police department developed an information system that helps put gangsters behind bars.
The Arizona DOT's driver licensing, vehicle registration and revenue collection departments each had its own computer system, none of which talked to the others. The DOT reeingineered 20-year-old business processes and got a single integrated database.
In October 1994, floodwaters ripped oil pipelines loose, spreading flaming oil down the San Jacinto river.
Improved scanners and recognition software increase the accuracy and speed of forms processing.
Former Pennsylvania State Senator Earl Baker chaired the state's Labor and Industry Committee, advocating information technology for economic development. An exclusive Government Technology interview.
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