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Managed services and platforms promise to take on more work in the coming year as investors seek the safe haven of government from looming uncertainty affecting other sectors.
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CARES. ARPA. IIJA. These bills and more have put billions into the state and local government market. We break down the major federal funding packages and how they’re being put to use.
Artificial intelligence's potential in the public sector has grown exponentially, as have questions around appropriate guardrails. We interviewed the ChatGPT chatbot from OpenAI to see what it had to say.
To scale up the amount of data it takes in on Arizona's water systems, the state's Department of Environmental Quality's Water Watch program designed an app that puts data collection in the hands of residents.
Jon Rogers, Indiana's director of strategic workforce planning, describes the State Earn and Learn program, which recruits participants from diverse backgrounds to spend a year at the Office of Technology and learn on the job.
Plus, Intel's deepfake detector works with 96 percent accuracy, Bob Dylan "signs" copies of his latest book with an autopen and robots learn to catch themselves when they fall.
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