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The good news about network computers is that they have no local storage, use Java and snub Microsoft. That's also the bad news.
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The World Wide Web and GIS are helping the city of Oakland reinvent the way it stimulates economic development.
Edwin Meese III served as counselor to President Ronald Reagan from 1981 until 1985, making him the President's chief policy advisor and manager of the administration of the Cabinet, policy development and planning. He was then appointed the 75th Attorney General of the United States, a position he held from February 1985 to August 1988. He currently holds the Ronald Reagan Chair in Public Policy at the Heritage Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based public policy research and education institution. Meese recently keynoted Government Technology's conference on Justice and Public Safety in the 21st Century, where he was interviewed by Staff Writer Blake Harris.
"Welfare reform will be a major test as to whether
Vendors are linking workflow software with e-mail to move document images around an organization. It's cheaper and more flexible than traditional workflow, but will it help government get the job done?
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