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Many cyberspace enthusiasts believe hyperdemocracy can help empower voters and revitalize democracy. Others insist it could undermine democratic practices.
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National Technology Snapshot
A round-up of information technology news and events from each of the 50 states.
National Technology Snapshot
A 50-state roundup of information technology news and events.
When the city of West Chicago, Ill., discovered a 30-square-mile area contaminated with radioactive waste, it was able to utilize GIS and geopiGPS technologies to help remediate the area.
Freshman Rep. Thomas Davis, former vice president and general counsel of a high-technology and professional services firm, is using his experience to help shape federal procurement reform in Congress. Davis, a Republican representing a Northern Virginia district, is also part of a staff information technology caucus and was at one time a member of the Fairfax County, Va., Board of Supervisors. This interview was conducted by Features Editor Brian Miller.
Washington State's Department of Information Services put data on the Internet using existing data formats to spare time and expense.
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