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Disaster Zone

Disaster Zone Blog by Eric Holdeman
It never rains in Southern California.
Logistics always rules the day.
It is that time of year again ...
Understand that insurance companies are “for profit.”
Pets have become family members.
Constant improvement has to be the goal.
How well are you connected to your organization’s technology leadership?
It is not Sally or Mary ... or Fred.
This is what is happening and likely will happen more in the future.
All the property losses from natural disasters need to be covered.
This is a difficult task.
Another typical disaster day in California.
Several links to stories about what went right and wrong.
A review of a new book on information management for disasters.
Multiple impacts from the record water temperatures.
Lessons from four decades of studying emergency management.
Today, tomorrow and into the future.
This one hits home.
Disaster of the week.
At least there is more exposure to the issue.
With more frequent disasters there will be more losses.
This is a good government piece of legislation.
Things are going to go from bad to worse with disasters.
Our pets are like family.
We all are involved in doing so at some point.
If you have not started this journey, begin soon.
Would it help draw attention to the threats from heat?
This from Progressive insurance.
Based on the number of deaths.