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Dennis Noone

Dennis Noone is Executive Editor of Industry Insider. He is a career journalist, having worked as a reporter and editor at small-town newspapers and major metropolitan dailies in California, Nevada, Texas and Virginia, including as an editor with USA Today in Washington, D.C.

Californians will soon be able to store their mobile driver’s license (mDL) or state ID in their Apple Wallet or Google Wallet, on their mobile device. More than 500,000 residents have obtained mDLs in an ongoing pilot.
Gov. Gavin Newsom has named Jason Lally, deputy director of Data Services and Engineering at the state Office of Data and Innovation, to the role. Joy Bonaguro, the previous state CDO, stepped down in June 2023.
CIO, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
The city will lease space at Stockton 1 Data Center on a barge at the Port of Stockton. San Joaquin County is among other public- and private-sector entities renting space at the Nautilus Data Technologies facility.
Porat, who was named chief technology innovation officer for the California Department of Technology in December, will be transitioning to oversee the Office of Technology Services as the state's new chief technology officer.
Bonaguro, an award-winning technologist with experience in the public and private sectors, announced via Twitter that May 31 had been her last day in the CDO role. She was appointed to the position in January 2020.
The February ransomware attack against the Bay Area city exposed personal data and affected city systems for several weeks, but officials are now reporting significant progress in the recovery effort.
The city of Sacramento, Calif., has appointed its newest CIO from inside the Information Technology Department. Darin Arcolino succeeds Maria MacGunigal, who retired this month after nearly 10 years as CIO.
The California State Auditor issued a report this week criticizing the Department of Technology for failing to guide the state’s IT needs, failing to assess agencies’ information security systems, and failing to reduce risks to IT projects.
Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday filled a key opening in state technology leadership with the appointment of a new deputy state chief information officer in Jared Johnson, as well as four other senior-level officials.