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Julia Edinger

Staff Writer

Julia Edinger is a staff writer for Government Technology. She has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Toledo and has since worked in publishing and media. She's currently located in Southern California.

Plus, Maine is the first state to have its digital equity plan accepted, the NTCA is calling for a more effective challenge process for the national broadband map, and more.
As the state of South Dakota works to transform outdated IT systems, enhance cybersecurity and explore emerging technologies, state IT leadership is keeping the citizens’ experience at the heart of these efforts.
Plus, the state of Washington has appointed Aaron Wheeler to serve as the new broadband director, a digital navigator pilot program has been launched in the city of Cambridge, Mass., and more.
Just over a year since the launch of Atlanta’s new Office of Technology and Innovation, city tech leaders reflect on the role of the office in the city's work to build a broader technology ecosystem.
Ashley Bloom, the state's first chief IT accessibility officer, shared that she is approaching the role with the mindset that accessibility should be integrated into all of the state's IT work.
Plus, Alabama announces $188 million for broadband; California sees digital discrimination legislation introduced; Phoenix opens a digital skills training center; and more.
In a hearing titled “Navigating the Future of Artificial Intelligence,” lawmakers heard testimony from experts at IBM, TechNet and Harrisburg University — as well as testimony directly from ChatGPT.
The city of Chicago’s recently established Department of Technology and Innovation aims to transform the way city agencies work with one another and the way the city provides services to constituents.
Plus, registration has closed for Net Inclusion 2024, Oklahoma and Kansas get funding for broadband, and a report seeks to uncover the best broadband technology investment.
AI-powered chatbots and translation tools are just some of the offerings available to state and local governments looking to connect with residents and increase civic participation.