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Ryan Holeywell

Contributing Writer
New research indicates that metropolitan planning organizations aren’t doing much to get ready for autonomous cars.
The Dutch-style intersection could inspire others as they seek to find ways to help pedestrians, cars and cyclists who share the public spaces.
Creators of the new system say they've developed a method that allows seismic sensors to transmit information for analysis in real time, simplifying the process of data collection.
Unmanned aerial vehicles flying over pipelines while outfitted with special sensors could detect leaks quickly. And that's not the only potential application.
Waze and other apps want to save drivers 10 minutes every day, but safety experts say it's too dangerous to use these apps while driving.
Transparency advocates praise the legislation, but states have questions about its costs.
While the legislation to allow states and localities to collect online sales taxes has stalled in Congress, one congressman is recommending seven simple principles to propel the issue forward.
With Congress back in session, tough issues like Syria and the deficit may put the bill known as the Marketplace Fairness Act on the back burner.
In 1984, Los Angeles reduced traffic and accidents during the Olympics in part by banning trucks from freeways during peak hours. Some lawmakers think it's a policy worth revisiting.
As more states pass laws authorizing testing of autonomous vehicles, key legal questions need to be answered.