So how can Internet users keep-up with this dizzying pace of change, much less the new terminology, cyberattack scenarios, criminal online tricks and related matters? How can we make sense of cybersecurity trends without confusing people with technical jargon?
In addition, what can be done to protect home networks, small businesses and large enterprises?
As a cybersecurity expert who has dedicated my entire career to understanding our complex technology problems and offering solutions to governments, businesses and home users, I constantly reexamine these questions. I am always looking for new, cutting-edge resources that I can recommend to others.
I also look for true stories and helpful analogies that can bring points home and help readers better understand the stakes involved and their role in protecting their corner of cyberspace. As I said back in 2007 in an interview for on security culture, “helping people understand the impact of their actions, that is our greatest challenge.”

Introducing ‘Cybersecurity Is Everybody’s Business’
Perhaps most important of all, I look for people who I can trust (and recommend to others) as we continue to “navigate the brave new web” as I wrote in my book Virtual Integrity in 2008.
Fast-forward to October 2019, I highly recommend the new book by Scott Schober and Craig Schober titled: “Cybersecurity is Everybody’s Business.” The new book’s subtitle is: “Solve the Security Puzzle for Your Small Business and Home.”
Why do I recommend this book? Put simply, it covers all the most important cybersecurity topics in an easy-to-read format. With fun stories and expert interviews, Scott and Craig do a great job taking the complex, the tech blur, answering the blank stares that most people offer when discussing cybertopics, and bringing home solutions in relevant ways.
Here’s how the book is described at
“Since publication of his first book, HACKED AGAIN, Scott Schober has dedicated himself to educating anyone who would listen by telling his own story of being hacked in the hope that others can learn from his own mistakes. Now joined by his brother Craig, the two have set their sights on the biggest target of all, small businesses.
There are 30 million small businesses currently operating in the United States. Some of them are single owner/operated while others collectively employ hundreds of millions. This book is for all of them and anyone who makes it their business to stay safe from phishing attacks, malware spying, ransomware, identity theft, major breaches and hackers who would compromise their security. We are all in this together which is why cybersecurity is everybody’s business.
Scott and Craig Schober examine a multitude of cybersecurity issues affecting all of us including:
• Cyber Insurance
• Internet of Things
• State Sponsored Hacking and Spying
• Card Skimmers & Identity Theft
• Social Engineering
• Ransomware
• Phishing Attacks
• Vital Password Creation
• Robocalls
• Cryptocurrency
• Virtual Private Networks
Scott and Craig Schober delve into the details of the latest cyber breaches that made headlines and continue to affect your small business and all consumers such as:
• Ashley Madison Hack
• Yahoo Hack
• Marriott Hotel Hack
• Anthem Hack
• Equifax Hack
• Uber Hack”
My Experiences with Scott N. Schober
While I don’t know Craig W. Schober, I have interacted with Scott on numerous occasions, and he is an amazing cyber security expert who explains difficult concepts to refreshing ways. Scott Schober has been the President and CEO of Berkeley Varitronics Systems since 1999. His LinkedIn profile is not only impressive, it is also full of great interviews with cyber experts from around the world that he shares openly.
I was fortunate to be interviewed by Scott on “What keeps Dan Lohrmann up at night?” The interview is shown below. (I must admit that Scott has a unique flair for capturing facial expressions that make the discussion look more heated than it actually is, which is one aspect of his exceptional marketing.)
Here is Scott’s interview on CNN’s New Day:
And here is Robert Herjavec and Scott Schober talking about Cybersecurity.
Scott Schober also discusses regulating fake news or censoring the media with Bill O’Reilly here.
Closing Thoughts on This New Book
One thing I really like about this book, which is an easy read and also packed with practical information, are the pop quizzes at the end of each chapter. (Don’t worry, the answers are in the back of the book if you get stumped.)
One example of a helpful twist includes the way the book comes at topics like personal privacy with answers like using a virtual private network (VPN) solution. Scott describes that here:
Bottom line, I highly recommend this book. It is the best comprehensive coverage of cybersecurity that I have seen for everyday users in 2019. I find this witty approach to cybersecurity to be helpful and cover all the most important topics as we head into the 2020s. He focuses on small businesses and home users, but I also think government enterprises can benefit from Scott and Craig's excellent approach.
This book is a strong buy. Order your copy today.