Survey questions and criteria examined and scored areas of digital and emerging technologies, such as use of mobile devices and technology integration into curriculum; strategic planning and data management; and professional development, including availability of technology tools and training for faculty and students.
In addition, colleges were surveyed on their technology priorities, infrastructure and networks, collaboration and outreach efforts and use of technology innovations.
“Community colleges across the country are employing technology in exciting ways to develop unique learning environments on campus and to expand online learning opportunities 24/7,” said Alan Cox, Senior Vice President for the Center for Digital Education. “Many of the colleges honored this year have employed various technologies and social media to improve resources to further instructional goals. We are honored to acknowledge these community colleges’ technology advancements!”
All accredited U.S. community colleges are eligible to participate in the survey within the three classifications based on size of enrollment. To register for notification of next year’s survey, visit
CDE thanks Sprint for underwriting the survey and for their support of community colleges across the nation.
Examples from the colleges who placed first in each student-enrollment-based classification include:
- Johnson County Community College, Kan. provides Learning Studios, a unique learning environment that allows instructors to explore technology-enhanced learning spaces that include wireless access, a mobile podium, interactive white boards and projection, and “wall-talker” wall covering. They have overhauled their network infrastructure to support students’ personal devices—providing faster and greater bandwidth, wireless, video, and voice technologies—as well as increased survivability of the network.
- Lord Fairfax Community College, Va. produces revenue for technology projects from its digital signage application that allows purchase and display of ads on over 30 displays campus-wide. The college also has an Instruction Space Design Team that reviews all spaces on campus for technology ideas and environment improvements to meet the learning objectives of students and faculty.
- Carl Sandburg College, Ill. has expanded its TechConnect three-day faculty training workshop on the most innovative technologies used on campus into weekly workshops for faculty and staff throughout the year. In addition the college partners with the local Workforce Investment Act office, the City of Galesburg and economic development organizations to provide education and job training services to displaced workers and students coming back to upgrade their skills.
2013-2014 Digital Community Colleges Survey Top Ten-Ranking Winners
Large Colleges Category - 10,000 Students or More:
1st Johnson County Community College, Kan.
2nd Northern Virginia Community College, Va.
3rd Fayetteville Technical Community College, N.C.
3rd Lone Star College System, Texas
4th Northampton Community College, Penn.
5th Howard Community College, M.D.
5th Delaware Technical Community College, Del.
6th Kingsborough Community College, N.Y.
7th Harrisburg Area Community College, Penn.
7th Delta College, Mich.
7th Monroe Community College, N.Y.
8th Thomas Nelson Community College, Va.
8th Tidewater Community College, Va.
9th Germanna Community College, Va.
10th Montgomery County Community College, Penn.
10th Jefferson State Community College, Ala.
10th Community College of Allegheny County, Penn.
Mid-Sized Colleges Category - Between 5,000 and 10,000 Students:
1st Lord Fairfax Community College, Va.
2nd Virginia Western Community College
3rd Laramie County Community College, Wyo.
3rd Walters State Community College, Tenn.
4th Minnesota West Community and Technical College, Minn.
4th Southside Virginia Community College, Va.
5th Hostos Community College, N.Y.
6th Darton State College, Ga.
7th Lake Land College, Ill.
8th Temple College, Texas
9th Central Virginia Community College, Va.
9th Piedmont Virginia Community College, Va.
10th Walla Walla Community College, Wash.
10th South Mountain Community College, Ariz.
Small Colleges Category – 5,000 Students or Less:
1st Carl Sandburg College, Ill.
2nd Rappahannock Community College, Va.
3rd Tompkins Cortland Community College, N.Y.
4th Patrick Henry Community College, Va.
5th Kirtland Community College, Mich.
6th Paul D. Camp Community College, Va.
6th Halifax Community College, N.C.
6th Panola College, Texas
7th Southwest Virginia Community College, Va.
8th Blue Ridge Community College, Va.
9th Jefferson Community College, N.Y.
9th Mountain Empire Community College, Va.
10th Bay de Noc Community College, Mich.
Selected Survey Findings:
Social media, BYOD, and Mobile apps:
- 53% of colleges surveyed have developed and published social media policies – a nine percent increase since last year and a 25% increase in the last two years.
- 76% of colleges are addressing issues regarding BYOD - such as effective delivery of content to multiple platforms among students and faculty, as well as addressing issues around access off-campus.
- 21% of responding colleges have developed mobile apps for course content.

About the Center for Digital Education:
The Center for Digital Education (CDE) is a national research and advisory institute specializing in K-12 and higher education technology trends, policy, and funding. CDE provides education and industry leaders with decision support and actionable insight to help effectively incorporate new technologies in the 21st century.
CDE is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company focused exclusively on state and local government and education.
For more information contact Janet Grenslitt, Director of Surveys and Awards