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Our annual look at the top 100 companies serving state and local government IT tracks the rise of private equity investment in the market, poised for continued growth in 2024.
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Gov tech companies offering tools to help local governments learn more about how people get from point A to point B are focusing on how data and analytics can inform better transportation policy.
Tools like smart streetlights help cities understand what's going on at the ground level, but as solutions advance, officials say they should be easy to stand up and keep public privacy top of mind.
As hurricanes, wildfires and earthquakes grow in strength and frequency, first responders are increasingly adopting new digital tools like drones and integrated dispatch systems to improve response.
AI-powered chatbots and translation tools are just some of the offerings available to state and local governments looking to connect with residents and increase civic participation.
CISO Michael Makstman explains what it takes to secure San Francisco, how the city is approaching generative AI and the importance of sharing information in the Coalition of City CISOs.
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