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Latah County, Idaho, Secures $15M for Broadband Expansion

The county has secured $15 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act money to expand broadband infrastructure and improve Internet access for county residents. The county was selected from a pool of more than 113 applications.

A money symbol formed by cyan blue dots connected by lines. Dark background.
(TNS) — Latah County has secured $15 million in funding to expand broadband infrastructure and improve Internet access for county residents.

According to a county news release, the American Rescue Plan Act money was distributed by the Idaho Broadband Advisory Board. Out of 113 applications for funding, Latah County's proposal ranked second.

The Latah County Broadband Coalition submitted a plan to connect all of the county with fiber infrastructure.

This involves constructing conduit pathways along public rights-of-way filled with fiber optic cables. These pathways will be used by Internet service providers to serve rural residences and increase Internet speeds.

The project will eventually connect wireless towers with fiber, which will provide wireless speeds of no less than 100/20 Mbps for up to 4,500 remote locations. It also includes direct fiber connections to community anchor institutions, like city halls, fire halls, schools, and libraries.

Latah County plans to apply for an additional $15 million to $20 million to complete the multi-phase buildout.

©2023 the Moscow-Pullman Daily News, Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.