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Logan County, Ill., Group to Survey Residents on Internet Need

The Greater Peoria Economic Development Council is seeking input on current Internet access. This survey is being conducted as part of Project Broadband Breakthrough, which focuses on how broadband access impacts rural life.

(TNS) — Logan County will be surveying residents this month on their broadband Internet needs.

The Greater Peoria Economic Development Council is seeking resident input on current Internet speeds, Internet service provider, needs and concerns to inform the county's planning, according to a statement from the council.

This survey is being conducted as part of Project Broadband Breakthrough, led by the Illinois Soybean Association and Benton Institute for Broadband & Society and funded by United Soybean Association. The project focuses on how broadband access impacts all aspects of rural life, especially for utilizing precision agriculture practices.

The economic development council said gathering feedback is the first step towards bringing improved Internet service to the area. This survey is part of a 14-week program to develop a strategic plan for expanding and improving broadband in Logan County.

Survey results will be shared with communities, local government officials and Internet service providers.

The survey will be open until March 8. To complete the survey, visit

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