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AI-generated cyber attacks and deepfakes mean new risks and new ways to fight them. "Human risk management" is a term to describe how organizations train their staff to detect these evolving threats.
Kevin Werbach, professor of legal studies and business ethics at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, argues that students need to know the risks, limitations and practical steps of implementing AI.
A ninth-grade teacher at Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia saw only positives to keeping phones out of reach during class, and students themselves attested to their improved concentration and engagement.
A handful of lawmakers say they plan to press the issue of the threat to humans posed by generative artificial intelligence after a recent bipartisan Senate report largely sidestepped the matter.
Last year, a series of near collisions at U.S. airports, which the Federal Aviation Administration calls “runway incursions,” raised serious public alarm.
Officials in Fremont County, Colo., believe that a software/hardware issue contributed directly to a recent prisoner escape, and they are awaiting a response from the jail's current vendor.
Watch Duty, a wildfire-tracking app manned by volunteers monitoring fire scanners, provides emergency information to the public. As the app expands, so does debate about fire department scanner traffic encryption.
Thanks to Apple, rich communication services are in the news, and now a new partnership could help spread those tools deeper into the public safety space. RapidSOS is coming off a major funding round.
Most of the Kansas city’s court system is back online, as is public Wi-Fi at libraries; and residents can once again pay water bills online. Other services and systems are expected to come back online soon.
City Hall and the Ohio city’s offices at Erieview Tower were closed for a second day on Tuesday, but officials have released few details on what may have occurred. The incident came to light via normal operations of city IT, a spokeswoman said.
The state, working with Google, has launched a course providing foundational AI skills training to residents. The offering, open to 10,000 people at a time, is designed to create an agile workforce.
Last week’s park rules changes by the Metropolitan King County Council allowed electric bikes and scooters on its trail network. The new rules are something of a standardization with the state, Seattle, and other counties.
The university's new information technology program includes four specialized concentrations designed to align with careers, including IT, health informatics, multimedia and mobile app development, and project management.
An "away-for-the-day" policy, which required sixth-grade students to have their cellphones turned off and out of sight for the entirety of the school day, led to "less drama, less bullying and less harassment."
With support from a $1 million grant from Google, West Virginia State University is launching a new Cybersecurity Clinic to train students and provide free digital security services to under-resourced organizations.
The U.S. Air Force now admits what thousands of residents have known for months — sonic booms from Vandenberg Space Base regularly rattle a large swath of Southern California, across more than 100 miles of coastline.
The company unveiled a suite of new artificial intelligence capabilities in its newest operating system, including connecting its interactive voice feature Siri with OpenAI's ChatGPT.
An AI-generated candidate has filed to run for Cheyenne mayor, and county officials are investigating whether VIC, an acronym for Virtual Integrated Citizen, can appear on the ballot.
Legislation awaiting Gov. Josh Green’s signature would have the state chief information officer no longer report directly to the governor. Critics say this could diminish the role and have a chilling effect on innovation.
Cyber criminals diverted four monthly payments meant for a vendor involved with rebuilding the town’s high school, and they carefully managed compromised employee email accounts to hide the fraud.