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Samantha Young

The bill, which had been gutted by the Assembly Communications and Conveyance Committee earlier this summer, now goes to the full Assembly for a vote.
Gov. Jerry Brown will now decide whether the legislation to create a special cybersecurity team within the Secretary of State’s Office will become law.
The bill comes after a spate of recent media reports this summer, where dozens of female tech entrepreneurs detailed unwanted sexual advances from influential and wealthy men who had the power to fund their ideas.
AB 375 would require ISPs to allow customers to give their consent for the use, sale and sharing of their personal information.
An Assembly budget panel this week approved plans by the Brown administration to implement a statewide data-driven and performance management framework.The Data-Driven Management Initiative by the Government Operations Agency is an attempt to measure, report and monitor organization results across state departments.
An urgency measure would require the department to create an electronic history of controlled substances that have been dispensed to an individual based on data contained in its prescription drug database known as the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System, or CURES.
A Senate committee has approved legislation that would require future state budgets be available in a downloadable spreadsheet format.
New legislation approved as Department of Justice launches data collection platform for 'use of-force' reporting.
'All of our shared drive files have been encrypted with software typically used in ransomware attacks,' said spokesman Andrew LaMar.
The state Legislature passed three bills all concerned with protecting state data and computer systems.