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Karen Wilkinson

Karen is a former staff writer for Government Technology magazine.

200,000-plus new claims expected to be filed as VA recognizes more herbicide exposure illnesses.
Sweeping plan would overhaul U.S. broadband and make it the nation's primary communications network.
High-definition cameras attached to communications towers are being used to spot and assess wildfires in California.
A panel of government chief information security officers at the Managing Technology conference talk about the risks of cloud computing and the need for background checks.
Spotting tax delinquents can add up to millions of dollars in savings.
Social networking, research and job hunting among top-ranked uses, according to University of Washington study.
The Virginia Information Technologies Agency adds 14 broadband service providers to menu offered to state and local agencies.
Transportation agency launches online forum to solicit public feedback, discussion.
Developers create citability, transparency tools to meet open governance directive.
Scott County becomes the first public-sector user of Amazon EC2 for disaster recovery.