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Guide Released to Using GIS in Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Guidebook for public safety and information technology managers in city and county governments

Public Technology Institute (PTI) today released the second edition of Using GIS to Support Emergency Management and Homeland Security, a guidebook for public safety and information technology managers in city and county governments.

The first edition was released in the fall of 2005, just after hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated much of the Southeastern portion of the United States. Since then, much has been learned about the role geospatial (or geographic) information systems (GIS) technology can play in emergency preparedness efforts and disaster response.

This new edition will help local officials explore ways to build proactive and collaborative approaches between agencies responsible for emergency management, and those that collect and maintain geospatial data.

It highlights how several local governments have developed effective strategies for using GIS to improve emergency management planning and response within their communities.

Members may request their free copy from Dale Bowen. Non-members may purchase this publication for $20.00 online.