FutureStructure Perspectives
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Transit officials in Kansas City, Mo. plan to eliminate bus fares system-wide this year.
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Cities like Seattle and Chicago are mapping construction and other projects on a new online platform that offers detailed insight into how construction, paving or other work might impact mobility.
As Denver and other cities continue to migrate short-term rental permitting and tax-collection to online, software-as-a-service platforms, local governments are seeing increased participation.
A project in Bellevue, Wash., uses video data and machine learning to learn which streets and intersections are the most dangerous. The data is considered more reliable and less biased compared to traditional surveys.
Seven toll bridges in Northern California’s Bay Area will soon phase out cash payments over the course of the next five years, replacing them completely with all-electronic means of payment.
In the four years since Columbus was awarded a multi-million-dollar transportation grant, the state’s capital city has steadily taken a multi-prong approach to growing electric car adoption.
The small town of Hood River, Ore., has decided that it will participate in a new pilot project that will launch a plug-in electric car-share program, which is a relatively unusual thing for rural jurisdictions.
Las Vegas plans to expand a traffic analysis project across downtown to gather data related to drivers heading the wrong direction on one-way streets, among other findings.
Only 16 percent of Americans say they are likely to purchase an electric vehicle, according to the report. Most drivers cite concerns about the lack of charging stations as a prime reason they won't buy one.
Some 1,500 of the attendees at this year's Internet of Things World conference come from the public sector.
A new high-tech radar system called SkyVision, developed by Ohio's Department of Transportation and the Air Force Research Laboratory, will allow drones to fly beyond the visual line of sight.
Columbus, Ohio, wants to boldly change how cities integrate communities and transportation with Smart Mobility Hubs in what could be a new way forward for multimodal travel.
Advances in sensor technology and analytics can improve how cities use their parking spaces, which can reduce congestion, enhance air quality and boost revenue.
It’s essential that Congress find the right balance between promoting innovation and addressing legitimate safety issues.
When faced with large amounts of regional commuter traffic on neighborhood streets, traffic officials in Fremont, Calif. turned to Waze for help.
As cities grow smarter and more connected, what implications does that have for cybersecurity?
Jennifer James will oversee Smart City Council Readiness Programs in the United States, Australia, Europe and India.
In 2040, IHS Markit forecasts only 25% of global auto sales will be totally autonomous vehicles with no driver controls.
With officials reviewing state regulations regarding autonomous vehicles, the pressure is on to get them right.
The nation's capital has become a test bed for the next-generation bike-sharing program, in which riders can find a bike to rent using an app and have it powered by an electric motor.