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Health and Human Services

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Burlington County, N.J., has installed new technology in several government building locations to support people who have hearing impairments and improve their ability to engage in public meetings and other parts of government.
Researchers have noticed a pattern relating to low-income majority-minority neighborhoods throughout the U.S.: a lack of Internet access mirrors other inequities, an effect known as cascading risks.
Saying social media is causing serious harm to young people, New York City's health commissioner pledged to develop a plan to reshape and regulate the industry as they would any other public health threat.
As experts discussed during the 2023 Government UX Summit, the work of designing accessible digital products is an iterative process that requires planning, user research and improvements.
With emergency declarations repealed and mask and other mandates expired, the virus behind COVID-19 is still showing up in wastewater in Traverse City, Mich., albeit to a lessened degree.
Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services is partnering with AWS on tech challenge events in which participants use an open-source sandbox to create health-care solutions that support data interoperability.
Scientists have theorized that in the distant past, a small fern called Azolla could have consumed huge quantities of carbon, helping scrub the atmosphere of greenhouse gases and thereby cooling the planet.
Existing data gaps related to the needs of the LGBTQ+ community must be understood and addressed in order for government agencies to equitably serve the needs of constituents regardless of identity.
The South Dakota Department of Health has a new system to improve immunization coverage throughout the state. The platform allows health-care providers to securely track records and identify areas in need of attention.
Spurred by growing community concerns about student mental health, a program at AOS 90 places health workers in schools who can connect students to both in-person and remote therapy services.
In response to high employee turnover, Chula Vista Elementary School District has enlisted its student health-care provider to also offer counseling sessions to all 3,000 of its staff and faculty members.
A federal agency has awarded $2.1 million to a pair of companies to use AI algorithms to monitor the quality of 988 operators' suicide risk assessments, building on the crisis hotline's rollout nationwide one year ago.
Health officials are focusing on how telehealth technology is transforming childhood mental health treatment, while also bridging the gap between mental health care, underserved populations and addiction treatment.
May 3 was the deadline for independent health-care providers to register with Connie, Connecticut's Health Information Exchange. But at the 11th hour, some are sounding alarms.
Santa Clara County, Calif., is turning to drones to spray larvicide in non-residential areas. Recent wet weather has created the ideal conditions for a booming year for mosquitos and vector-borne diseases.