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IT Expo

IT Expo demonstrates the best of California's systems.

California's Department of Information Technology, in conjunction with the California Legislature, held its first annual IT Expo April 2nd to give hands-on demonstrations of some of the state's most successful information technology systems.

State CIO John Thomas Flynn said part of the purpose of the expo was to help dispel the effects of the DMV system failure, which permeated relations between IT projects and the Legislature in recent years.

"I know from experience that California is on the leading edge with many things we're doing in the area of IT," said Flynn. "This was an opportunity to demonstrate to folks in the Legislature, as well as our colleagues in state government, that we have had many success stories."

Included were SINS, the Statewide Integrated Narcotics System; LEADS, the Law Enforcement Automated Data System; the California home page; Automated Fingerprint Identification and DNA systems; and the California Multiple Award Schedules procurement system.

The all-day Expo, held in the Capitol rotunda, attracted some 1,500 visitors, including Gov. Wilson, about 50 legislators and hundreds of legislative staff members. "You can't always get Mohammed to the mountains, so you bring the mountains to Mohammed," said Flynn. "I think we got the message out that California is back and that we're very proud of what we're doing -- which is saving lives and providing better services at lower cost to the taxpayers."
