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What does the New York public transit agency’s new app do?

Answer: Help essential employees find rides during nighttime subway shutdowns.

MTA Subway
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York city has been shutting down subway service between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. every morning to disinfect the trains. Unfortunately, there are essential employees who still need to get to work during those times, so the agency set up a website to help them find alternative methods of transportation.

Now, the MTA is hoping to make that process even easier with the release of an app that performs those services. Through the app, essential workers can find bus schedules, which have been enhanced during those times so more people can get a ride, or they can book a free car service trip if the buses still aren’t scheduled to come to their area.

Called Essential Connector, the app was developed by Axon Vibe, which had a pre-existing partnership with the MTA. The company “pivoted quickly to create an intuitive app that combines public and private transportation options to help NYC’s essential workers during this unprecedented nightly subway shutdown,” Axon Vibe Managing Director Boris Matz told The Verge.