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What is syngas and how is it made?

Answer: It's an alternative fuel you get from shredding and heating plastic to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit.

It’s environmentally friendly fuel, too.

UK-based Powerhouse Energy has come up with an environmentally friendly way to reuse plastic waste. According to CNN Business, only about one third of the 5 million metric tons of plastic waste that Britain produces each year gets recycled while half will find its way to a landfill. 

Powerhouse Energy repurposes nonrecyclable plastics by shredding the plastic and then heating it to about 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. This process produces a combination of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methane called syngas. While the syngas can be burned to generate electricity, it can also be further processed to siphon out the hydrogen for powering hydrogen cars.

“For road transport, hydrogen is the perfect fuel,” said Powerhouse CEO David Ryan. “For large lorries [trucks] and buses it is probably the future of clean fuel, because its emission is water.”

Kate is a senior copy editor in Northern California. She holds a bachelor's degree in English with a minor in professional writing from the University of California, Davis.