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What does this vending machine carry instead of candy bars?

Answer: COVID-19 tests.

a person buys snacks from a vending machine
Shutterstock/Syda Productions
The University of California, San Diego has added some on-campus vending machines that might be even more attractive to students that the ones with candy in them. That’s because these machines dispense free COVID-19 tests.

There are 11 of these machines installed throughout the university campus, which reopened on Jan. 4. All students and staff on campus are encouraged to use them once a week. The tests are self-administered, and results can be expected within two days of when the test is returned to the drop boxes beside the machines. For accurate results, the tests must be returned within 72 hours after they’ve been administered.

These vending machines are just one of many measures implemented by the university to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on campus. Previous measures implemented in the fall proved effective, with positivity rates reported as “far below average.” Since widespread testing is one of the easiest ways to monitor and prevent the spread of the disease, these vending machines should help to keep those numbers low.