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Mark Siegel

Mark Siegel is assistant head at Delphian School in Sheridan, Ore., where he’s been since 1974. He has headed the Oregon Federation of Independent Schools since 1988 and served 25 years on the board of the Council for American Private Education. He's served on Oregon Department of Education task forces and helps public and private schools transition to proficiency-based student-centered models. He travels the country advocating for private education and for proficiency-based education, urging the shift from factory-model schools to more personalized, student-centered programs.

If students are on their phones too much, it has at least something to do with learning that behavior from adults. As schools ban phones, it becomes increasingly important for parents and teachers to put theirs down, too.
Many employers are reporting their youngest hires lack essential “soft” skills such as communication, leadership and adaptability. Robotics clubs and other digital education environments can help teach these skills.
Before students use AI tools to complete their work, they should first develop their own HI (human intelligence) and understand the purpose of education and the importance of ethical behavior and personal integrity.
In preparing young people to enter a professional environment of rapidly evolving technology, one of the best things educators can do for them is teach them how to explore and learn about new tools on their own.
For all the ed-tech innovations and bespoke software tools at the disposal of students today, don't let them overlook the power and versatility of one of personal computing's foundational technologies: the spreadsheet.
While digital devices have brought accessibility and flexibility to education, educators should also warn about their potential for causing annoying and even dangerous distractions, surveillance or ethical problems.
Amid the pace and constancy of technological change, it’s easy to overlook how transformational the digital era has been — and how the ability to pause, rewind, record, search and share has revolutionized education.
One of the only two states to provide schools with official guidance on artificial intelligence so far, Oregon published an explainer on its website with tips, definitions, references and links to helpful resources.
Some education experts say focused tutoring will be needed to address learning loss that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, and technological advances such as AI chatbots make tutoring more accessible than ever.
There are many definitions of artificial intelligence, and it’s been embedded in software for years, but recent advances carry new potential to personalize education, tutor students and automate aspects of school operation.