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Elaine Pittman

Former Managing Editor

Elaine Pittman worked for Emergency Management from 2008 to 2017.

While extreme space weather is considered a low probability event, it could have catastrophic effects on the U.S. — and even the world.
GPS and heads-up display technology keep Alaska snowplow drivers on the road, even if they can’t see it.
A gap in satellites could leave emergency managers without severe weather information that they’ve come to rely on.
A partnership seeks to aid wildfire fighting with real-time information while operating from a next-generation emergency operations center.
Ready Georgia app provides a place for people to store pertinent information and create emergency plans.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s toolkit combines data and simulation tools to simplify exercise creation.
A decade after the 9/11 attacks, strides have been made in regional public safety interoperability, but a nationwide system is still lacking.
As eastern states begin disaster assessments and continue flood response, FEMA is forced to divert money from previous disasters to focus on the response to Irene.
Transportation systems use technology to improve the safety of first responders and the public.
National Level Exercise 2011 tested states’ abilities to respond to a catastrophic earthquake while creating links between all levels of government and beyond.