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A Red Cross Witch Hunt or is it Accountability?

When the media "digs in" on an organization, what is it?

ProPublica has another piece by Justin Elliott about the Red Cross. See Red Cross Donations Plummet and Deficit Spikes.

It seems like a pretty straightforward article to me. The author doesn't try to hide the impact of no big disasters for the last financial reporting period which can impact donations significantly. What I am troubled about is the lack of response to ProPublica by the American Red Cross. I think in their minds, the reporter is on a "witch hunt" and chasing every bad piece of information he can find and interpreting it in as negative light as possible.

Let's assume that is the case. I still think that you cannot control the media, nor should you play favorites. It is the world we live in and you must accommodate the media and social media as best as possible.

I suppose Gail McGovern, CEO of the Red Cross, thinks that ProPublica has erected a stake in the town square and is gathering wood for a really big fire — with her as the featured attraction. The way to douse the flames even before they start is to be open as possible. Stonewalling only casts your intentions in the worst light possible.


Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.