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"Alexa, Where Can I Get a COVID-19 Test?"

Want to get tested? Ask Alexa.

I am a fan of Amazon's Alexa (Echo). I'm using it all day long and into the night (we have four devices). Weather forecast, alarm clock, music, and my "Flash Briefing" tailored to what I want to hear as I finish my shower and shave in the morning. Even for writing this blog, "Alexa, how do I spell _____?" I learned that last trick from my 10-year-old granddaughter. 

Thankfully, I have not had to figure out where to get a COVID-19 test, but now you can ask Alexa that question and (she, in my case) will give you a list of local pharmacies in town.

I fear the next spike is on its way, so knowing where you can get tested might be a good thing. 

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.