Preparedness starts with awareness of various threats. There is a coming podcast on the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) threat, which is naturally produced by sun activity. You will be able to listen to that one in a few weeks’ time. This week it is about the EMP threat.
Check out this Disaster Zone podcast: “The Threats from an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP).”
The podcast’s description is below:
“Perhaps you have never heard of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and don’t understand what the implications from one being used as a weapon against the United States or other national powers. That is what this podcast does, looking at the full impacts of such a weapon being used in the future. The guest for this podcast is William R. Forstchen who is a New York Times bestselling author and holds a doctoral degree from Purdue University with a specialization in military history and technology. He is a noted expert historian and public speaker and has been interviewed on FOX News, C-SPAN, and Coast to Coast AM on topics ranging from history to technology and cultural issues, to space technology development, to security threats. And, he has a novel One Second After that is a New York Bestseller that addresses via fiction what might happen following the use of an EMP weapon.”