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Emergency Management Jobs in Hawaii

Go west young person, go west!

Horace Greeley once wrote, "Go west, young man, go west." He said it because we had a continent to be settled. It was where opportunities existed at the time.

This is my advice for the aspiring emergency manager who is willing to live in a tropical paradise, work for not a lot of money, but get invaluable experience for a few years and then have what it takes to get a job almost anywhere else, because of the experience.

See the listing of positions at the state of Hawaii below. Are you graduating later this year? Send them an application and provide that information. Maybe — if you are the right candidate — they will wait for you to graduate and your parents will appreciate you having a job when you finish college. They have 11 positions listed as open.

Jobs: Hawaii Emergency Management Agency
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.