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Natural Disasters — by the Numbers

Data was last updated in November 2019.

For the United States, as a whole, the was not a mega-disaster in 2019 that caused significant property insurance losses. I can tell because my USAA Insurance rebate is the highest it has been in a bunch of years. Of course, there were people who did have a tornado, storm or — for the Midwestern farmers — flooding that went on for months. As previously reported here, there were rivers in North Dakota that never went below flood stage once the flooding began. 

If you are looking for data on disasters, this site, Natural Disasters, gives a tally of losses in people and other damages throughout the years. See the summary and links below.

I do believe that many of these trends are going to start arching upward as global warming and the impacts of climate change begin to take hold in ever-increasing ways. It is one of the reasons that emergency management and its associated disciplines like risk management are great careers for people entering the workforce today. Business, unfortunately, is looking up!


Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.