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Closing the Pandemic Learning Gap

Exploring how technology investments will support strategic decisions and opportunities

MARCH 22, 2023

Join us as our panel of experts discusses artificial intelligence and data analytics that can help identify students most at risk from falling behind, e-learning platforms that deliver a personalized education plan for every student as well as hybrid solutions that provide better access to labs and other learning tools.
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MAY 24, 2023

Our panel of public sector education IT leaders will discuss best practices including how to access funding and structure spending to cover ongoing training and implementation, the hallmarks of a successful technology training strategy for educators and students as well as top trends for implementation.
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Higher education institutions face unprecedented challenges. Undergraduate enrollments nationwide fell by more than 1 million students following the pandemic.
The searchable database of ed-tech tools and institutions gives users a snapshot of technological infrastructure at colleges and universities across the U.S. to help them make informed technology purchases.
Now that students know what generative artificial intelligence is, it's time to make it more reliable by training new LLMs on educational content and large data sets fine-tuned by human subject-matter experts.
Penn State Wilkes-Barre has partnered with the cybersecurity company Fortinet to offer students training and certifications in Fortinet systems while getting their degrees, at no extra cost.