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Across the country, law enforcement agencies are using emerging tech to gather an unprecedented amount of data to drive down crime statistics. But are their efforts actually making a difference?
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As cities work to install connected devices and sensors throughout their communities, 5G wireless infrastructure will be essential to making it all go. What may stand in the way is government itself.
In the role of chief technology officer since June, Christopher Rein describes the challenges he sees around modernizing legacy systems and striking a balance between implementing current and emerging tech.
The beginning of a new security chief's tenure is critical. From opening lines of communication to creating a strategic plan, here are seven dos — and three don’ts — for successfully navigating a new position.
Creating content that only lasts for 24 hours may seem like a waste of time for government, but Instagram Stories is an increasingly popular platform that can add a new channel for reaching constituents.
Plus, an ice-skating robot that could prove useful for scientific research in the Arctic, and a life-saving device that alerts drivers to animals or children left alone in cars in hot weather.
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