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Americans want more control over their data, but little is being done at the federal level to update regulations for the digital age. Here's what some state IT leaders are doing to fill the gaps.
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Michael Leahy, Maryland Secretary of Information Technology, explains his approach to cybersecurity, the challenges of competing with the private sector for tech talent and how he’s handling privacy concerns.
The security challenges governments face continue to evolve. And while the stakes are higher than ever before, the responsibilities of public- and private-sector chief information security officers remains the same.
Social media isn’t valuable to an audience if communications are too broad. Governments should work to understand what different kinds of information constituents might want and target their messaging accordingly.
Plus, a laser that turns moon dust into material that can be used to print 3-D objects and build structures on the lunar surface, and the stunning number of fake accounts Facebook reports removing from its site.
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