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Darren Bates wiggled his way out of the unfriendly confines of Hancock County Jail in Georgia last summer and fled to Philadelphia. The escaped auto-theft convict hung out on MySpace, the social networking site, free from law enforcement - or so he thought.
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Taking a cue from the private sector, Mayor Richard Daley launched a secret shopping program in late 2005.
Real-time intelligent traffic systems now help cities conduct light-rail and side-street traffic, resulting in a harmonious flow.
For the past six months, many of us at Government Technology have been working to fundamentally restructure our Web presence. The result is, which launches this month.
Our overreliance on technology is one of my favorite subjects to harp on. From Roombas to GPS-enabled cars, there are countless examples of technology making our lives ridiculously easy. 
Computer users concerned about security breaches might consider DigitalPersona's U.are.U optical scan fingerprint reader.
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