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Key players across the nation are forming alliances to ensure that when new cyberthreats emerge, all relevant participants can be prepared to act.
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It often takes a data breach for lawmakers to pass significant legislation around cybersecurity.
Legislators who take the time to study cybersecurity issues and ask tough questions of CIOs and CISOs are still the exception rather than the rule. But that may be changing.
Government Technology caught up with Benny Chacko, CIO of the Los Angeles County Probation Department, who discussed the importance of understanding your agency’s unique business needs and thinking beyond technology.
The first (and most obvious) thread in cultivating citizen support is to incorporate the quality, quantify and usability of open data.
Just as it would not make sense to only fund bridges and highways in one city in the United States, it makes no sense to limit investment in the sensors, systems and networks needed to build smart cities to a single location.
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