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What is Lyft’s new Women+ Connect feature?

Answer: A feature that lets drivers and riders prioritize who they’re paired with.

The Lyft logo in white font against a gradient pink background on the screen of a smartphone.
In an effort to make its ride-share experience safer and more inclusive, Lyft has introduced a new feature that allows riders and drivers to prioritize who they are paired with. Called Women+ Connect, it “matches women and nonbinary drivers with more women and nonbinary riders.”

A report last year by The Verge found that female ride-share drivers frequently experience harassment and sexual assault. They also said that they don’t feel that ride-share companies do enough to support them, both when incidents happen and in efforts to prevent such occurrences.

This new feature is designed to help with that, allowing women and nonbinary drivers to be prioritized for pairing with women and nonbinary riders. And it works the other way, with nonbinary and female riders able to opt in to be prioritized for those drivers. The feature will initially be available in Chicago, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco and San Jose, Calif., with plans for a wider rollout still in the works.