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What state wants to ban abortion websites?

Answer: Texas.

a close up of a website address
Texas legislators recently introduced a bill that, if passed, would severely restrict access to abortion information online within the state. The bill, filed Feb. 23 by Rep. Steve Toth, would make it illegal to host or provide domain registration for websites that could help Texans access or pay for abortions. It would also require Internet service providers (ISPs) to block such sites in the state.

The legislation is specifically aimed at preventing people in the state from accessing websites that will let them order and pay for abortion-inducing drugs like mifepristone and misoprostol. ISPs operating in Texas would be required to “make every reasonable and technologically feasible effort” to block access to these kinds of sites within state borders. The bill specifically lists a number of websites that would have to be blocked, including Aid Access, Hey Jane, Plan C, Choix, Just The Pill and Carafem. However, it also states that any site or app “operated by or on behalf of an abortion provider or abortion fund” must also be blocked, meaning organizations like Planned Parenthood could also be affected.

The bill also allows legal immunity for “denial of service” to anyone aiding or abetting abortion, meaning ISPs would be able to kick users offline without recourse if they’re found to be in violation of the law. The bill would likely run afoul of federal regulations including Section 230 and net neutrality rules, should they be fully reinstated after being rolled back during the previous presidential administration.