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Which state has the highest share of middle-class households?

Answer: South Dakota.

houses income tax
Half of adults in the U.S. live in middle-class households, per Pew Research Center, but how do those numbers break down by state? Thankfully, there’s now a map to show us.

Business Insider decided to crunch the numbers and came up with an interactive map that lets you find out the average share of middle-class households in each U.S. state. Each state is color-coded based on its percentage, with states that have a lower percentage shaded in a lighter blue and states with a higher percentage shaded in a darker blue.

Simply hover over a particular state to get its exact number. South Dakota came in on top with 58.7 percent of its households falling into the middle class. New York rounded out the bottom of the list at 46.3 percent. For more info on how Insider gathered the data and arrived at these conclusions, check out their coverage here.