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Why is everyone telling Elmo how they’re doing on X?

Answer: Because he made the mistake of asking.

A hand holding a smartphone in front of the X logo.
Perhaps the bigger question we should be asking is, why is everyone telling Elmo that they’re not doing well? The beloved Sesame Street character, who turns three years old Feb. 3, took to X earlier this week with a simple question: “How is everybody doing?”

The Internet responded as the Internet does. By Wednesday Elmo’s simple post had garnered more than 120,000 likes and 13,700 replies. But the theme of those replies was, well, not great. Through many jokes and memes, people overwhelmingly told Elmo that they were not doing well.

“Elmo, life is just hard,” one user wrote. Another said, “Not gonna lie.....I'm tired, Elmo. A lot's going on, little Red.” Even Joe Biden had a response from the president’s official account.