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Why is Twitter limiting the number of tweets you can view per day?

Answer: Elon Musk reasons.

A screenshot of the Twitter login page.
Twitter users are not happy right now. The latest reason? New owner Elon Musk just implemented a new policy that limits how many tweets an account can view (by the way, you now have to have an account to view any tweets at all) based on their user status.

Starting Saturday, verified Twitter users could only view 6,000 posts per day, while unverified and new accounts could only see 600 or 300 posts per day, respectively. Unsurprisingly, there was immediate backlash, so Musk raised the limits to 10,000 for verified users, 1,000 for unverified and 500 for new unverified accounts.

This has hardly appeased anyone though, and users took to Twitter, ironically, to vent their frustration. “How on earth did I already use up all my rate limits. Now I can't even see my own tweets what is happening,” tweeted the media account Rawsalerts. YouTube star MrBeast asked, “I hit my tweet viewing limit for the day. Wtf do I do with my life now.” And perhaps most scathing of all, even the experts are now ready to call it quits, with social media expert Matt Navarra tweeting “It is time I just quit Twitter at this point.”