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How the social media companies handled disinformation during the recent election will likely have an impact on the regulations they face moving forward. Critics in both parties have taken issue with their performance.
As soon as a winner is projected in the U.S. presidential election, Facebook says it will begin displaying a notice for users to help combat misinformation about the outcome. The company has also been targeting false or misleading posts.
Election misinformation typically involves false narratives of fraud that include out-of-context or otherwise misleading images and faulty statistics as purported evidence.
In early figures released by the California Secretary of State’s Office, nearly 60 percent of voters supported Proposition 24, which seeks to reinforce and redefine parts of the 2019 California Consumer Privacy Act.
This week the seemingly interminable 2020 presidential campaign will (hopefully) be at an end.
The major social media firms have taken a largely piecemeal and fractured approach to managing the problem.
The recent antitrust U.S. lawsuit against Google is the first step in a potentially long process of reigning in big technology companies. In Europe, lawmakers are further ahead in their efforts.
Michigan is familiar with being a target of misinformation, having dealt with Russia in 2016. The state is yet again another target of misinformation ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
Differential privacy lets people to share data anonymously, but people need to know more about it to make informed decisions.
The proposition meant to strengthen the landmark California Consumer Privacy Act has earned some opposition, but not from the places one might expect. Big tech — like Facebook, Amazon and Google — are keeping quiet.
The Chinese-owned social media company has come under fire from the White House over security concerns. Some lawmakers have continued to use the video-sharing app in spite of warnings from some security experts.
Government IT shops are increasingly embracing their roles as cybersecurity leaders. But what does it take to be good at cybersecurity on social media? Minnesota IT Services’ approach is one good example.
The social media company reported that it had taken down a small network of accounts originating in China focused on political disruption. Facebook did not say whether the accounts were linked to the Chinese government.
A new report from the Brennan Center explores how online disinformation has become a tool of voter suppression and what government and voting rights advocates can do to defend the election process.
The social media company announced a slew of new efforts on its platform to curb misinformation and post-election confusion. The changes come after harsh criticism of its response to problems during the 2016 elections.
Facebook is under investigation for whether it’s abusing its outsized share of the online advertising market, in addition to whether its acquisitions like that of Instagram and WhatsApp violate antitrust laws.
Self-regulation by the technology industry has failed to keep people safe online. That's a job for government.
As the government considers antitrust action against big U.S. technology companies, a global business scholar identifies four myths that need busting first.
Taking over a YouTube account with an already established following lets the hackers reach a wide audience. That was the same goal with last week’s Twitter hack, which hijacked accounts with tens of millions of followers.
Many people who participate in disinformation campaigns are unwitting accomplices and much of the information they spread is accurate, which makes it all the harder to identify the campaigns.