The National Association of State Chief Information Officers has named a new president, vice president and secretary/treasurer for the program year ahead. The organization also welcomed a new director to its Executive Committee.
At the group’s recent Midyear Conference, state CIOs talked about a revision to the statement reflecting the changing role of public-sector technology leaders. The group also honored a state tech leader for his web modernization efforts.
Working with government customers is distinct from strictly commercial relationships in important ways. Texas CIO Amanda Crawford has some tips on how to cultivate lasting partnerships with the public sector.
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At the NASCIO Midyear Conference this week, Texas Chief Information Officer Amanda Crawford outlined some of the state's most significant cybersecurity initiatives now underway.
Texas Chief Information Officer Amanda Crawford discusses broadband, the push to connect all residents to government and how the state is supporting local cybersecurity efforts.
CIO Amanda Crawford outlines how Texas IT is using their reach to create volunteer cybersecurity response teams, shore up local efforts and make sure agencies have the security resources they need.
Now a responsive web app, Texas by Texas will soon be available to download in app stores, featuring a single login to access a variety of government services. And CIO Amanda Crawford says there’s more to come.
Both already working for the Texas Department of Information Resources, the state’s new CIO and deputy CIO have close to 30 years combined experience in the public sector and backgrounds in law and business.