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How government technology gets funded, and how government directs its financial resources. Also includes coverage of financial and budgeting software deployments such as ERP.

A tech startup is leveraging AI to empower tribal nations in navigating the complex landscape of grant funding. Their solution is tailored to address these communities’ unique challenges and data sovereignty concerns.
The two government technology companies are working together to help agencies adopt a new way of budgeting, and to make the process more transparent for both public servants and their constituents.
A new report from IANS Research and Artico Search suggests that cybersecurity budgets are growing at a much slower pace than they were previously. Here are the details.
“How government chooses to make spending reductions is just as important as how it creates new programs,” writes Dan Kim. “The time to cut budgets is also an opportunity to rethink what the government does, how it does it, and whether it’s working.”
A new survey from Euna Solutions dives into the issues that worry people who do government procurement. The results also show how those professionals are reacting to the challenges in their vital gov tech field.
Plus, a broadband report card ranks ARPA-funded projects, more states see their initial proposals for BEAD funding approved, $2.7 million will support libraries’ digital literacy programming, and more.
Plus, the FCC has launched a new mobile speed test app, HUD’s ConnectHomeUSA program has expanded to new communities, more states have seen their initial proposals for BEAD program funding accepted, and more.
The money, allocated by a budget trailer bill, will enable the California State Payroll System Project to hire a system integrator. The initiative, underway since 2016, will replace a significant piece of legacy.
The company offers the Gravity platform and sells budgeting, compliance and other tools to local and state governments. A gov tech veteran will join the board of directors following the growth equity investment.
The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council approved a record-setting $532.9 million spending plan with funds for 25 new positions. The budget also includes money for 25 license plate cameras.