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Forward’s New Platform Brings Agencies and Nonprofits Closer

The company’s technology, which already helps governments manage programs, now can help officials better work with community organizations. That could impact mental health, workforce development and other challenges.

A woman sitting at a desk with two monitors while working on a laptop.
Seattle-based Forward, which sells an administrative platform to local governments, has launched a digital tool designed to help those agencies and nonprofits improve their collaboration, coordination and communication when it comes to mental health and related work.

Called FORWARD Sync, the new product can help case managers, service providers and government workers manage case notes and keep track of client trends; share status updates and other real-time information; and use a dashboard to keep in touch, among other tasks, according to a statement from the company.

The launch comes as public agencies take on more work involving mental health, workforce development and related issues.

“The demand for comprehensive public services in industries such as homelessness, mental healthcare, childcare and workforce development is substantial and government agencies and community-based organizations face the burdensome challenge of outdated systems that impede client success and place a heavy strain on agency capacity,” said Adnan Mahmud, CEO of Forward, in that statement. “FORWARD Sync aims to support providers with a more efficient way to serve the people and businesses in their communities.”

The general idea behind this new product is to streamline work among agencies and community organizations and provide services more quickly.

Forward’s technology has helped agencies manage septic upgrades and rent assistance grants.