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Justice and Public Safety

State and local government tech-driven efforts around courts, corrections, law enforcement and public safety, including applied tech in police and fire.

Mark43, the software company, is a records management system that will assist officers in drafting paperwork and conducting investigations, the New Orleans Police Department said.
Police Chief Mike Lee said the technology is part of the Flock Safety law enforcement system, which also includes license plate readers in Anderson and in several other locations in Madison County.
The agency is testing technology from ZeroEyes to identify guns in its “L” stations. It will send images to a company operations center for review before alerting law enforcement and public officials. Testing will run through summer 2025.
More Massachusetts police departments than ever are embracing body-worn cameras, recognizing not just benefits to the public, but to their officers as well. Yet the cameras can come at a steep cost.
A recent incident at Tampa International Airport showed what can happen when facial recognition technology is in use. Transportation Security Administration officers used it to identify and arrest a person with an active arrest warrant.
The latest expansion of ShotSpotter sensors covers parts of the Level Green and College Park communities, which are on the west side of Interstate 64 in the city’s fourth precinct area.
Agents from the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office used information from cellphone towers, license plate readers and elsewhere to arrest a Florida man believed to have been involved in the alleged crimes across two counties.
The Jefferson County Communications Center in Colorado has adopted a new platform to improve emergency operations. The new system uses artificial intelligence to improve efficiency.
California's prison system has moved to ban the use of a controversial lie-detector test — compared by one expert to a Ouija board or an astrological chart — following an investigation into the technology.
The ACLU of Maryland is calling for safeguards to be incorporated in a statewide policy governing the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement.