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Virtual Classrooms

Stories about the technology associated with learning in a virtual space, as opposed to a physical classroom. Stories involve video conference software and online educational programs that are becoming increasingly common in both K-12 school districts and institutions of higher education.

The Pine Springs Preparatory Virtual Academy started its first school year this week. The tuition-free public charter school allows students from anywhere in North Carolina to attend full time online.
Without in-person services, thousands fewer students in Washington were evaluated for disabilities and subsequently didn't get accommodations that may have severely impacted their ability to do schoolwork.
A $1 million state investment will help Kern County colleges equip a 30-foot trailer with augmented- and virtual-reality technology for career and technology education in fields such as cybersecurity and physiology.
As ever-increasing tuition fees have made higher education inaccessible to many at a time when tech companies are desperate for skilled employees, young Americans are exploring other means to acquire tech qualifications.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against Mercer University in Georgia from a student alleging her tuition and fees paid for experiences she never received due to the switch from in-person to remote learning.
Experts say relationship-building, collaboration and effective pedagogy are essential to hybrid learning programs, ideally giving students flexibility while teaching them the drive to take control of their own education.
A franchise of online K-12 schools is working with a nonprofit to offer students scholarships, internships, digital credentials and other opportunities to get a head start in the semiconductor industry.
Almost four months after their online learning system was overwhelmed by too many log-ins at once on a snow day, New York City Public Schools asked students to participate in a simulated test Thursday.
To comply with a 2022 law that will soon require classes to have 20-25 students, the New York City Department of Education gave principals about a dozen options, including using virtual learning to save classroom space.
What started as adult education focused on agriculture and home economics has grown into a flagship program at Louisiana State University, with certifications in fields such as AI, cybersecurity and cloud computing.