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The smart cities movement has evolved from sensors on light poles aimed at improving traffic flow to connected platforms that are practical, efficient and equitable for government, businesses and residents.
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Startups working with government agencies have had to pivot in response to the economic and health crises of recent months. Going forward, their innovation paired with public-sector mission will be critical.
Data from the U.S. General Services Administration shows that larger counties are far more likely to participate in the .gov program than smaller ones, and certain states have barely touched it.
Government IT staff and industry researchers weigh in on how digital services are meeting their moment, with office buildings closed, Web traffic spiking and applications for relief programs becoming increasingly urgent.
Local governments have an obligation to keep conducting business and engaging the public during the global pandemic, but there can often be more to virtual public meetings than meets the eye.
As chief information officer of the country’s fourth most populous county, Ed Winfield has had to balance priorities like an ongoing technology refresh with the new curve balls the coronavirus has added to his plate.
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