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Generative AI. Social media upheaval. IT modernization. We look back at the top headlines from 2023 and what might be ahead for state and local tech in the new year.
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While the likes of ChatGPT and its competitors may give pause to leaders in both the private and public sectors, it would be hard to find a state or local CIO dismissive of the potential and influence of generative AI.
As ransomware attacks have continued to hit state and local organizations — and tech advancements like generative AI have continued apace — cyber experts predict evolving malicious tactics for 2024.
With the retirement of some longtime pillars of the gov tech community this year and a host of fresh faces stepping into leadership, state IT offices are seeing more diversity in background and experience.
In 2023, we checked in with states on where they are with updating their major systems of record, from DMVs to ERPs. Many are overcoming tech debt with the end goal of a better resident experience.
Facebook. TikTok. X. In a year that saw major upheaval across popular social platforms, are these sites still viable options for delivering vital public information?
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