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LAUSD Finds Possible Student and Staff Data on Dark Web

Los Angeles Unified School District is investigating claims that a user on the dark web posted student information including home address, homelessness status, disability status and contact information for relatives.

A hand on a computer mouse surrounded by vertical lines of code in light blue and orange. Black background.
(TNS) — Los Angeles Unified is investigating claims that a user on the dark web is offering purported identifiable data about students and teachers, information that cyber experts say may have been obtained in a 2022 cyber attack.

A Times review of the dark web listing, which was posted Thursday afternoon, showed sample files contained sensitive information on hundreds of people born between 1993 and 2010.

The sample data set released by the seller included dozens of data fields on the purported students including home address, homelessness status, disability status and contact information for relatives.

The district has not confirmed whether the data correspond to actual students.

"Los Angeles Unified has become aware of an account from a malicious actor purporting to offer certain district data for sale," the LAUSD said in a statement.

LAUSD is "investigating the claim and engaging with law enforcement" in response, the statement said. "As always, we prioritize the privacy of our students, families and employees."

The information, offered for $1,000 on a hacker forum, totaled around 11 GB of purported data in a handful of files, according to a screenshot provided by the user who posted it.

In total, around 24 million records were on offer, the post claimed.

After the LAUSD computer systems were attacked by the Vice Society ransomware group in September 2022, Supt. Alberto Carvalho said the attackers failed to steal valuable data but that some individuals had their personal information released on the dark web.

It was unclear whether the data uploaded Thursday corresponded to that which was taken in the 2022 attack, but experts said the two may well be connected.

Thomas Richard, a cybersecurity expert at Synopsys Software Integrity Group, said that "while the information breached doesn't pose an immediate financial risk," the people in the files "now have their personally identifiable information exposed."

The detailed information could be used in future phishing attacks, said Kaustubh Medhe, an executive at Cyble, a threat detection company.

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